Creative direction, art direction & Design
Malas Amistades | Good Trouble
Products of the company we keep. In Spanish, “Malas Amistades” is literally translated to “Bad Friendships.” They’re the friendships that got you in trouble. The bad influences your mom didn’t want you hanging around. But as John Lewis would say, not all trouble is bad trouble. Some trouble is good. Some trouble is necessary. 

Malas Amistades was created as a platform for our own creative expressions, to collaborate with our friends and make stuff we want to see, hear, touch, use, wear. Starting with these rad T-shirts.
From the get go, we wanted to offer the widest size selection we could. Extra Small to 5 Extra Large on a premium heavyweight cotton t-shirt with a 90's vibe.
Focusing on Instagram, we created pieces for every step of the launch process, building anticipation and also keeping our customers in the loop on our production steps.
A shoppable website
In all honesty, we were out of our depth when we began. We took this one on thinking it was a simple task to just throw an "add to cart" button on a site but alas we conquered it and it was a great experience that worked seamlessly when we launched.

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