Disneyland | Plaza de la Familia
The Day of the Dead is by far one of my favorite family traditions, and Pixar’s COCO is one of my favorite animated films of all time. So when we were tasked to create a campaign to promote Plaza de la Familia, a celebration of COCO and Day of the Dead at California Adventure… to say I was elated, would be an understatement. Along with co-creating the campaing I lead the look/feel.

Broadcast & Streaming
We created a story of a little girl remembering the fun she had with her Abuelo, beginning with his favorite treat.
We partnered with Director Guilherme Marcondes and LOBO to bring this story to life.

We created pieces for all the digital platforms, including a unique scene for a last chance announcement to join the celebration.

Out of Home
We carried the unique look of the characters we created for our story into our Out of Home.

In Park Experience
Along with crafts and a remembrance wall, we re-created the cookie from the story for guests to be immersed in the moment, in multiple colors!